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Article: Building blocks of the body - Recommended amount of protein/day

Kroppens byggstenar - Rekommenderad mängd protein/dag

Building blocks of the body - Recommended amount of protein/day

Do you know what is the recommended amount of protein/day, how you can get enough and how much protein you get in a day?

Three tips to get more protein

Here are three overall tips to get more protein in:

  • Eat more when you do eat
  • Increase the number of meals
  • Add supplements

Eat more when you do eat , i.e. more meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc. with each meal.

Increase the number of meals. Add protein-focused snacks. In its simplest form, it can be a package of cold cuts, ham/turkey, quark, eat/drink 1 liter of yogurt, eat x number of eggs, etc.
Of course, it can also be real meals. But an apple or a cheese sandwich will not help you cover the need.

Add supplements. It is always best to eat real food as it stays in the stomach longer and the body has time to partake of the nutrition over a longer period of time.
Next best are dietary supplements and then protein powder. One shake contains about 30g of protein.
Here I recommend a shake a day. Better to eat food than drink two shakes to get protein and meet your daily needs.

What is the right amount of protein?

The Swedish Food Agency recommends 50-70g of protein a day.

Then there are studies that show that the need is greater than that when you exercise, and that is what we are interested in here. What is then recommended is an intake of approx. 2g per kilogram of body weight to maximize muscle building.

Do you know how much protein you are getting?
Do you know what to do to get the right amount?

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