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Låt oss prata om armhävningar

Let's talk about push-ups

Låt oss prata om armhävningar

Let's talk about push-ups

Using your RM (Repetition Max) in push-ups is for many a way to demonstrate strength. But just because someone says they can do 50, 75, or 100 push-ups in a row doesn't automatically mean they are...

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Promenera dig ner i vikt - Promenad som träning

Lose weight by walking - Walking as exercise

Give your weight loss journey a boost with one of the most underrated forms of exercise. High-intensity training often takes the spotlight when it comes to weight loss, but sweat-inducing heart ra...

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Hur du lyfter tyngre - Lära sig att lyfta tungt

How to lift heavier - Learn to lift heavy

The feeling of lifting heavy is almost unbeatable There are few things that boost self-confidence as much as surprising yourself with what your body is actually capable of. Many peop...

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CrossFit Benchmark Workouts: Testa din styrka och uthållighet över tid

CrossFit Benchmark Workouts: Test your strength and endurance over time

CrossFit is, as you probably already know, a training method based on functional exercises, high intensity, and measurability. The goal is to become better prepared for all of life’s challenge...

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Kom igång med Crossfit - 5 Benchmark Workouts för Nybörjare

Get started with Crossfit - 5 Benchmark Workouts for Beginners

Have you been curious about trying CrossFit, but are unsure where to start? Then we recommend you read today’s post. Within CrossFit, there are a variety of classic workouts. These workouts have a...

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Så bemästrar du Thrusters

How to master Thrusters

Anyone who has tried the thruster exercise in a WOD (Workout Of the Day) knows how challenging it is. A combination of a front squat and a push press, which will surely make your muscles burn if y...

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7 Styrkeövningar Du Bör Behärska Om Du Vill Bli Bra på CrossFit

7 Strength Exercises You Should Master If You Want to Get Good at CrossFit

Sure! Here’s a detailed guide on the seven essential strength training exercises that every beginner should master. Think of these exercises as fundamental techniques for your strength training. O...

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Är det bättre att äta före eller efter träningen?

Is it better to eat before or after training?

The question of when it’s best to eat—before or after a workout—can be tricky. Some advocate for fasting to feel light, while others can’t imagine training without first consuming something. So wh...

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5 Tips för skadefri styrketräning


Minor injuries can sometimes be unavoidable, but bigger problems can often be prevented. Here are five tips from what we at Workout Brands have learned over years of training: Understand your inj...

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Hur ofta behöver jag träna?

How often do I need to exercise?

Today, we’re going to touch on a topic many people struggle to grasp: training intensity. How much do we really need to train to see progress on our fitness journey? How often should I train i...

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