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Article: PART 2. Stalled in the development of your training and think you have to change exercises?

DEL 2. Stannat upp i utvecklingen i din träning och tänker att du måste byta övningar?

PART 2. Stalled in the development of your training and think you have to change exercises?

PART 2. Stalled in the development of your training and think you have to change exercises? Then you should read on.

You really never need to change the exercises you do to keep developing and getting stronger. If you have found exercises you like and know how to perform them technically, continue.

Having said that, development can be slow and then there are THREE simple things to review to continue developing.

Here we must also remember to keep the mental and the physical separate, keep motivation for exercise and the exercise itself separate.

That the motivation is no longer there to develop in an exercise is something completely different, an aspect that is at least as important, but something I will not write about here.

Remember, this works for all muscles, on all muscle groups.

What I want you to do is simply change any of the following:

  1. Number of sets
  2. Number of repetitions
  3. Length of rest between sets

You don't even have to change all three, one of them can be enough.

Do an extra set or do a smaller one, increase/decrease the number of repetitions, extend the rest by an extra 30s or maybe shorten it?

If you have never thought about how long you rest, I think you can start there. Set the timer to 90-120s and see if you can handle more repetitions than you usually do in the next set.

More than this is not needed to continue developing in the same exercises and find training fun all year round.

Never stop challenging yourself!

Good luck!

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